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Latest News from Shenandoah Club

Story Time...
Come on and zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, ZOOM!
The Old Girl Has Had Some Work Done
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Blair…DuVal… _Luke…Lobsters…what do they all have in common? They were all featured at recent capacity events here at the Club. Lunya CEO Blair Lawson, daughter of Club members Tom and Anna Lawson, spoke to a sold out audience about her journey from her early days at Louis Vuitton to Chief Merchandising Officer at goop to her current position as head of a leading luxury brand of loungewear. The luncheon was part of our “Ladies Who Launch” _series – _a popular quarterly event which brings notable and timely speakers to the Club.

President and CEO of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, Barry DuVal, headlined our most recent “Business and Public Affairs Series” _luncheon which attracted a large audience from the local business community.

Roanoke’s own Luke Hancock came home to an appreciative crowd to discuss his early days as a college basketball standout and making the transition to his current gig behind the mic as a color commentator.

Then there are the lob-stahs. A full crowd enjoyed The Maine Event, a night of live music and great food which introduced our new bar menu filled with seriously tasty new nibbles and Austin’s quirky spins on your favorite beverages.

These are but a few of the events that you’ll find only at your club. The coming months will bring plenty of opportunities to get the most from your membership. There are several ways to stay informed. Each month, you’ll receive an overview of the month included with your statement. Refer to the club’s website, to keep up with the latest happenings. Daily e-mails provide regular updates of our schedule. If you’re not getting them, let us know. The club calendar is updated regularly and dates fill up quickly so don’t be left on the waiting list. Stay up-to-date to enjoy everything your club has to offer…because if ya know, ya know.

Posted: 8/28/2023 11:02:45 AM

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